Qingdao Ruifeng Oude provides professional ion beam sputtering coating technology materials to download, especially mixture coatings technology from Cutting Edge Coatings GmbH, in order to help customers to know better about ibs deposition system and thin film coatings. If you would like to have this materials , please connect us. Thank you.
Highly stable mixed coating layers for optical applications
Kai Starke ⁎ Detlev Ristau
Influence of ion beam parameters on to two-dimensional optical thin film thickness distributions
deposited by ion beam sputtering
Wjatscheslaw Sakiewa⁎ Kai Starke, Detlev Ristau
Large area precision optical coatings by reactive ion beam sputtering
Wjatscheslaw Sakiewa,⁎ Kai Starke, Stefan Schrameyer
Qingdao Ruifeng Oude Technology Co., Ltd - 2021.02 青岛锐锋欧德技术有限公司